Corporate Programs

Customized training Program with commitment to meet targeted outcome

Mindware is Contributing to Organisations by creating Customised Action Based Practical and Highly Result Oriented Transformational Training.

Our unique technology generates a sense of oneness, understanding, performance, growth and stability.

Following profound outcomes experienced by many organisations having ongoing employees training engagement with Mindware.

Freedom from holding back, no hidden communication, no virtual perceptions, no politics.

Relatedness with company and team: Collaboration not a Competition.

Ability to be in actionin spite of all Fears.

Huge shift in overall attitudetowards self, colleagues and organisation.

Values of being in Integrity. This brings great team Efficiencyand workability.

Transformed Relationships with self, family, subordinates and seniors at workplace brings Ease, Grace & Power.

Results in Ownership, Responsibility and Belongingness: Huge overall Performance Enhancement!

Few Customised Employee Productivity Enhancement Programs Delivered to many Companies

Campus to Corporate

Empowers Image, Attitude & Personality towards freedom from Fear

How to be a great Team Player?

Mindware helps you to discover the Leader with-in you for Great Success!

Start an Extraordinary Corporate Career!

Empowers Image, Attitude & Personality towards Freedom from Fear.

Training freshers of many large corporate like Bharat Forge, Bajaj, Piaggio, Tech Mahindra, BMC, Max Life, Capgemini and many more…!


A very specific and custom designed as per need analysis for Productivity and Effectiveness

A very specific and custom designed as per need analysis for Productivity and Effectiveness to give employees practical skills and techniques to make communicating with others more effective.

Effective workplace communication is the foundation of positive and cooperative working relationships. Research says that gaining better communication skills is an almost sure-fire track to better success.

The objective of this customised employee communication training Program is to Improved work communication that’s linked to better job satisfaction, improved company performance, increased productivity, and empowered employees.


Development - Inculcate culture & leadership funnel : Transforming relations towards peace of mind to cause overall effectiveness in all areas of life.

Inculcate culture, confidence, communication, and employee engagement that leads to higher performing employees, teams and develops leadership funnel with Mindware customised leadership programs.

Transforming relations towards peace of mind to cause overall effectiveness in all areas of life.

They say that leaders are born, not made. While it is true that some people are born leaders, some leaders are born in the midst of adversity. Often, simple people who have never had a leadership role will stand up and take the lead when a situation they care about requires it. A simple example is parenting. When a child arrives, many parents discover leadership abilities they never knew existed in order to guide and protect their offspring.

Once you learn the techniques through Mindware Leadership Program, you will be able to build the confidence it takes to take the lead.

Discover Life

Work Life Balance and How Stress occurs?

Life of working parents is not always easy. Moms and Dads are juggling to achieve work-life balance to succeed both at office and family. There are numerous challenges faced by the Indian working mother. She feels frustrated and demotivated. She is expected to attend the sick child missing an important meeting. Her focus at work, productivity and career are badly impacted. Ultimately, she opts to stay at home.

The organisation also suffers due to working parent issues. Both quality and productivity can get negatively impacted. All the investment in recruiting and training the talent may go in waste when the organisation loses the employees due to these issues.

Discover Life Program will give your employees the tools and techniques to deal with stress and create balance between work and life that allows your team to feel their responsibilities on both sides of the work-life. When you are at work, you can be 100% there, and at home, you can devote full attention to that side.

Imagine your employee is productive at work not busy and confused.

Advantages and outcomes of the Program results all new level of employee





That results in more value for your customers and your shareholders.

Case Studies

Piaggio Vehicles Ltd. Baramati

Background / Situation

Shop floor supervisors and managers were having a big fear to communicate directly with the Italian executive. This communication gap was negatively impacting the productivity and moral of shop floor staff.


One Full day workshop with 3 Half day Follow up sessions covering:
Listing abilities, Attitude, Fear, Being Intentional,
Language is not a parameter of intelligence.
The workshop was facilitated using group discussions, Role plays, Activities, Videos and Relevant stories.

Results / Benefits

The fear and barrier of communication with Italian Executives minimised.
Improved moral and job satisfaction of shop floor Supervisor/Managers.

Leading Graphics Processor Manufacturer from USA

Background / Situation

Software Engineers having experience 2 to 3 years were facing challenge meeting customer delivery deadlines.
They also had a big fear to communicate directly with foreign clients or team members.
Attitude problem with their team leads.


One Full day workshop with 2 Half day Follow up sessions covering:
Listing abilities, Attitude, Fear, Being Intentional, Integrity.
The workshop was facilitated using group discussions, role plays, Activities, Videos and relevant stories.

Results / Benefits

A huge positive shift in listening and attitude.
The fear and barrier of communication with Foreign Team members and clients minimised.
Improved job satisfaction and reduction in attrition.


Are you Ready For Breakthrough Results?

Your first step is a simple discussion with us about what you’re trying to accomplish. We’ll listen and give you some really clear direction and help you to choose most relevant program.

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